Most investors could dramatically improve their returns by eliminating five common mistakes from their portfolio management toolboxes. One of these common mistakes is so deadly it could wipe you out, while the others can cost you big time. The most dangerous mistake you can make is betting everything on one investment. This is akin to putting all of your chips […]
Why it is a bad idea to get out of the market in a downturn
Doesn’t it seem reasonable that when the stock market is dropping month after month you should get out, avoid more losses, and wait for the upturn? Unfortunately, this is just what many investors do. Once they are out of the market, they often don’t begin investing until well after a recovery has occurred and it looks very apparent that the […]
Investors’ behavior penalizes growth
The U.S. stock market enjoyed a major bull run in the second half of the 1990s, with the S&P 500 Index climbing an average of almost 29 percent per year between 1995 and 1999. However, it appears that the average investor did not reap much of that reward, says John Bogle, former chairman of the Vanguard Group, a major mutual fund company. […]
Want to give your portfolio an edge? Try investing globally
There are nearly 70 stock markets offering their wares to investors around the globe. Sexy, up-and-coming markets like China beckon, while exotic markets like Turkey’s and Russia’s are growing fast. How should an investor allocate his limited investment dollar? Probably the best method involves following the actual capitalization of the world’s markets, that is, investing the most in the biggest markets and […]
Client Letter – Q2 2008
The volatile investment climate has continued. Global stock markets climbed sharply in April and May, only to fall back to their lowest levels of the year in June. The following chart shows the 1-year, 5-year, and 10-year performance of many DFA funds (representing different asset classes) compared to the S&P 500 Index:Market Returns for the period ending June 30, 2008 […]
When should you take Social Security?
A crucial retirement planning decision for many workers involves deciding when to begin Social Security benefits. Anyone can begin collecting as early as age 62, but that means the retiree receives a permanent reduction in benefits that can reach 25% or more. Retirees can also wait until normal retirement age, which currently ranges from 65 and 10 months to 67, […]
Warning to retirement savers: Don’t reduce stocks as you age
Many retirement investors intuitively believe that they should reduce their exposure to stocks as they age. After all, they have to protect their retirement nest eggs when retirement approaches and cannot afford to lose a big chunk of it in a market downturn, they believe. Recent research by two professors at Lewis & Clark College in Oregon turns this standard […]
Client Letter – Q1 2008
As you may have heard, it has been a rough quarter for both U.S. and international equity markets. Nevertheless, a well-diversified portfolio should have weathered the storm much better than an undiversified portfolio. As you can see from the chart below, the worst performing asset classes this quarter were U.S. large stocks, U.S. small stocks, and emerging markets. The best performing […]
International stocks can help dampen your portfolio’s risk
Foreign stock markets were on fire last year, handily beating the U.S. market and drawing the attention of domestic investors. The Brazilian stock market gained 44%, Germany 22%, China 96%, and India47%. The U.S. market, as measured by the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, gained just 3.5%. And that was not an isolated, one-year event: foreign stocks on average have […]
The price of active investing: Would you believe $100 billion?
American mutual fund investors are spending a lot of money in a vain quest to beat the market, says famed finance professor Kenneth R. French of Dartmouth. French has made public preliminary results from his detailed study of the costs investors pay to own actively-managed funds whose goals are to beat the U.S. stock market. The estimated annual cost so […]